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Friday, March 25, 2005
Nationwide Campaign of College Students Supporting Marriage Equality (maybe...)
Hey folks, before I go off on a national crusade, I wanted to see if I could get some feedback from all of you (this is called blegging, it's a combination of blog and begging). Here is the short version. David Wasserman and I wrote a bill (bill text available at CalStuff Extended) about how same-sex couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples (whether those could be achieved through marriage or civil unions). Just as college students have been at the forefront of other struggles for social progress (Civil Rights... Anti-Apartheid), we should be pushing for this cause as well. So the ASUC would pass this bill, and the EAVP office would fire off some letters to various elected officials saying something should be done about this, and the President would write an article for the Daily Cal about how important this is. Basically your run of the mill symbolic action, that would hopefully motivate some people and maybe do a little good. Step Two would be to get as many other school as possible to pass this same bill. There would be a website (, that would catalog all the schools that become a part of "Colleges Supporting Equal Marraige Rights." Then hopefully, hundreds of schools would participate and this bill would be passed on behalf of hundreds of thousands of college students. This hopefully, would help things move beyond the symbolic, to send a message to college students that their united effort could bring this closer to happening, and would signal to elected officials that they risk the wrath of today's youth if they move to legally codify bans on same-sex marraige or civil unions. So if any of you guys feel like helping me out, you can use the link below to download the bill and look it over and see if you have any suggestions. Or you can view the bill text here. Any other suggestions or advice on this before we buy up the doman and design the website would also be good (like is the name good, or should we come up with something better?). Thanks in advance for any help. Equal-Rights-for-Same-Sex-Couples.docEmail This Post! |
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