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Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Warren Beatty Speech at Berkeley Spawns Draft Beatty for Governor Effort
Famed actor Warren Beatty gave a very well received speech before the Goldman School of Public Policy for their graduation. The speech attracted much media attention because of the sharp criticisms of Governor Schwarzenegger and the hints it provided that Beatty might be eyeing a run for the Governor's mansion. [Most memorable line of the speech: "It's become time to define a Schwarzenegger Republican. A Schwarzenegger Republican is a Bush Republican who says he's a Schwarzenegger Republican."] Following that speech, a blog post by Ezra Klein inspired an effort by some people (largely living and working in SF) to encourage Beatty to run for Governor, which I became involved with. There is now a website for the Draft Beatty campaign, and I've addded that button which links to the site over on the right sidebar. [It's for free, I'm not being paid for it.] I've been helping out with the effort, and when the semester rolls around I will be starting a "Draft Beatty" group on campus. You can read my comments on Beatty's time freeing up after a lawsuit interfered with his latest movie plans, why we shouldn't dismiss Beatty just because he's a celebrity, and general comments on the ability of citizens to draft our leaders. So if we end up with Beatty as our replacement for Schwarzenegger, it will be his speech here at Berkeley that made that possible. If anyone wants to get involved in the Draft Warren effort, shoot me an e-mail and I'll send you some more information. [For the record, my support for Beatty or the ad doesn't mean that Ben or Allen or CalStuff supports him also.]Email This Post! |
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